15 December 2021

What would I share about what I have learned from this course if this were my last lecture?

I would share how important it is to align their life with God’s will.  God can do more with their life than they can.  And if they make God a partner in all their endeavors, they can become the person He wants them to be.  Furthermore, they will accomplish what He wants them to achieve.  Steven A. Hitz said, “Charting your course with God will give you both guidance and protection.  It will empower you to live a life of meaning and happiness now and into the future” (Launching Leaders, pg. 73).

What would be my last bit of advice to someone wanting to begin the entrepreneur journey?

Follow “The Formula.” 

1.      Get Up Early

2.      Work Hard

3.      Get Your Education

4.      Find Your Oil

5.      Make Your Mark

6.      Give Back

Giving Back is the essential part of The Formula.  Jim Ritchie teaches, "the ultimate purpose of The Formula is to empower you to become a tool in the hands of God.  You do this by preparing to serve others” (Launching Leaders, pg. 85).

Your whole entrepreneurial journey should be about helping the world become a better place.  Are you serving a need?  Are you contributing to society?  Are you helping someone improve their life?  Helping and serving others should be your focus.

My last words of advice- be a lifelong learner.  Continue to learn about anything and everything.  Learn from family, friends, and strangers.  Learn from books and classes, and podcasts.  ”To learn is to change.  Education, whether it involves books, body, or behavior, is a process that changes the learner.  It doesn’t have to end at college graduation or at age forty or sixty or eighty, and the best learning of all involves learning how to learn – that is, to change.” (George Leonard, Mastery, pg. 118) Lifelong learning will not only help you become the person God wants you to be, but it will also help you achieve your dreams.
