30 October 2021

I studied a summary of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey in class this week.  A few of those habits stood out to me.

“Put first things first.”  I should focus on important but non-urgent tasks. For example, family and faith are the two most important aspects of life.  If I keep my focus on essential things that last forever, I will find my purpose and spend my time working on my goals.  I learned some time management goals that go with this habit.  1. Identify the key roles in my life.  2. Select goals in each of my roles.  3. Scheduling.  Set aside time to achieve my goals each week.  4. Adapt daily.  If I implement these goals, I believe I will see progress in every aspect of my life.

"Seek first to understand, then to be understood." I need to work on this with my family and with my seminary class.  I always think about how I will answer or help someone instead of focusing on what they are saying.  I need to use follow-up questions to dig deeper and truly understand others.  I feel like I am teaching TO my students rather than learning WITH my students.  I need to dive deeper into this subject and learn practical listening skills.  I believe my relationships will strengthen if I understand this habit.

"Sharpen the Saw."  This habit teaches me to sharpen my saw in four different areas: physical, spiritual, mental, and social or emotional.

 Thirty minutes of physical exercise each day is recommended.  I know that when I exercise, I feel better.  Exercise gives me energy and helps me focus.

 Spiritually feeding myself is vital to how I sleep and feel.  When I spend time in the scriptures or listening to uplifting talks, books, or music, I feel at peace, and I have a daily reminder of who I am and whose I am.  Focusing on my Savior always brings peace into my life.

Continuing my education through reading or formal study helps my mind to stay sharp and broadens my understanding.

Social/emotional health grows through serving others and having integrity.  When we know how we are and what we stand for, we have the strength needed to make it through any trial that comes our way.

I enjoyed studying this summary this week!  I have the book but have only read parts of it.  Studying Stephen R. Covey's seven habits has motivated me to read the whole book. 
