27 November 2021

My attitude toward money?  Money is a necessity to provide for our families, help other people, and achieve our dreams. 

My parents have been great examples of living honestly.  They have made their obligations to the Lord (tithing, fast offerings, missionary service) a priority and have taught all of their children to honor those same obligations.  Not only have they been honest with the Lord, but they are also honest with their fellowman.  They have taught through example to pay bills on time. 

 I feel the same way about money as my parents do.  I pay my tithes and offerings first before anything else.  The Lord has blessed me so much; giving back what he asks has blessed me even more.  I also pay my bills right after paying the Lord.  We must meet our obligations before we spend money on anything else. 

I feel I can use my money to bless others.  The scriptures teach, "For of him unto whom much is given much is required;" (D&C 82:3). So, when we have enough, we can use our abundance to bless those in need. 

How can my view of money affect the way I live?  My husband and I have worked together to become debt-free.  We have also sacrificed through the years to save for retirement.  My view of money has helped me live a life free of oppressive debt and has given me peace of mind.  I haven't been as wise as I should have been over the years, but experience has taught me to live within our means and be aware of others and their needs. 

Some of the rules for prospering that was recommended in “Attitude On Money" by Stephen W. Gibson are:

1.      Seek the Lord and have hope in Him.

2.      Keep the commandments, that includes the temporal ones, tithing and fast offerings.

3.      Think about money and plan how you can become self-reliant.

4.      Take advantage of chances for learning so you will not be ignorant of these matters.

5.      Learn the laws upon which the blessings of wealth are predicated.

6.      Do not send away the naked, the hungry, the thirsty or the sick or those who are held captive.

I hope to keep learning and growing to use what the Lord has blessed me with to give back and bless others. 

“And it is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine.

“But it must needs be done in mine own way; and behold this is the way that I, the Lord, have decreed to provide for my saints, that the poor shall be exalted, in that the rich are made low.

For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves.”  (D&C 104:15-17)

