9 October 2021

This has been a crazy week!  Finishing "Launching Leaders" and writing a book report has taken most of my time. However, I have had other assignments, seminary, appointments, a minor remodeling project and have been preparing to pick up my son at the airport this coming Monday as he finishes his mission. I can't believe I am finally completing my last assignment for the week! 

I have been recommending “Launching Leaders” to my family and friends.  I love the book and will be revisiting the concepts I learned many times in the future.  It is going to be an invaluable resource for me moving forward in my life.

I have talked to my husband about having three savings accounts, as Steven Hitz suggests in Chapter 8: Financial Fitness.  I'm hoping to implement that financial practice in our lives.  We already practice some concepts: paying a tithe, saving for a rainy day, and having a  savings account for unexpected expenses.  I like the idea of committing to invest in our financial security and having a wish list savings account.

I love the concept of reciting the Ten Scrolls and the Ten Vows of Success to myself each day. But, unfortunately, positive affirmation on a personal basis is missing in my life.  I am good at encouraging others, but I neglect encouraging myself. Therefore, I will be implementing this practice for myself.

I also loved Chapter 10 on the power of storytelling.  I have been thinking of using stories in my teaching for many months now.  I loved reading the science behind stories and how we learn and process information easiest through stories.  Jesus was the Master Storyteller, and I want to follow His example and teach through stories.  This chapter reaffirmed the feelings I have had to implement this practice.

In Chapter 11: Giving Back, I learned to match my giving to my passion.  I loved this sentence: “The trick is to identify your passion and skills, and then use God’s guidance to find ways to use your gifts to make somebody else’s life a little bit better” (pg. 190).

This week has felt like a race to the finish!  It has been busy and crazy, but it has also opened my eyes to new concepts and ideas that I am very excited to use in my life.  I can’t wait to see what next week brings!
