23 October 2021

I enjoy learning all the different aspects of becoming an entrepreneur this semester.  I especially like the emphasis so many entrepreneurs have to focus on what matters most in life – our families and serving God. 

Jan Newman's video, "Loyalty to God and Family," was a good reminder for me to do my ministering and to be loyal to the Lord and my family.  Jan always accepted callings to serve in the church, and it blessed him. So likewise, I have seen blessings in my own life.  Each calling has given me strength, new abilities, insights, compassion, and a stronger testimony of the Savior and His gospel.  Accepting callings, no matter how busy we are, provides us far more than we give.

Steve Blank talked about making time for our family.  He suggested setting rules in our families to preserve the most critical relationships in our lives.  I visited his website to read "Epitaph for an Entrepreneur," and I enjoyed all his advice to protect our families.  I think it is so essential to make the Lord and our families a priority, and I appreciate the insight and advice Steve gives to keep our marriages and families strong during our entrepreneurial journey.

N. Eldon Tanner's talk, "Success is Gauged by Self-Mastery," also spoke to my heart.  His emphasis on keeping on the straight and narrow path to success is a path we all need to live.  The only way we can succeed in life and be happy is to live the commandments of God.  Living the gospel brings peace and freedom to help us become better people in our personal, spiritual, and public lives. 

I also loved the concept of surrender taught in the book "Mastery."  My willingness to surrender on my path to mastery parallels my willingness to surrender to the Savior so He can make my life whole and complete.  Chapter 7 states, "For the master, surrender means there are no experts.  There are only learners."  Surrendering ourselves to learn to be better - a better spouse, a better parent, a better employee, a better business owner, a better disciple of Christ – is what life is all about. 
